Alison Hammerton BSc Hons, MBAcC

About me

As a holistic practitioner, I offer tailored and blended therapy sessions drawing from my expertise in acupuncture, Meditation and Mindfulness coaching, Emotional Freedom Technique, Reiki and massage.


In the last few years I have branched out to do more group workshops, training people in Mindfulness and Meditation, as well as offering drop in sessions.

When I am not working, I enjoy watching the world go by with a nice coffee, practising yoga, immersing myself in sound baths and other holistic experiences, and spending time with my two children. 

What’s been happening this Spring 2024?

At the moment we are on Week 2 of the Spring 8 week Mindfulness Course and we are about to have our June Drop in Session.

I have also been training as a Crystal Bowl Practitioner, which is a fascinating addition to the therapies I work with.

Watch this space; I’m going to be using Sound Baths in both group and one to one sessions in early 2025. 



Originally I trained as an acupuncturist, and I have been an acupuncturist for 17 years. I developed my own private practice as well as working as Head of Health and Well-being for a leading Health Economics company for several years. Currently I work from my log cabin in my garden. The biggest thing that I have learned during this time is that in order to bring a person’s well-being into balance, it is important to be able to identify which aspect of the person is in conflict or disharmony, and also be equipped to treat all aspects of health on a physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic level. Everything is connected. Over the years I have done many different types of training, including my original degree in Acupuncture, as well as training in Meditation and Mindfulness, Emotional Freedom Technique, massage, and Reiki. This range if different types of training has given me a toolbox of skills which allows me to create very personalised treatment plans, which helps the person at whatever level they need, and enables them to move forward in their lives. I developed my Combination Therapy by using elements of all my knowledge and personalising them for each individual. This is what makes me unique as a practitioner and I am passionate about working in this way.

I can help you with:
'Every journey begins with a Single Step...'
Healing Hut Inside View

Certifications, Degrees, and Experience

I have a range of different qualifications and training. I also have 16 years experience in working in this field. 

Emotional Freedom Technique - Practitioner Level 2

This is accredited by the International Federation of Holistic Therapists.

Reiki Master

I have completed training to the highest level in Reiki. I am also qualified to teach Reiki.

BSC Hons in Traditional Chinese Medicine - Acupuncture

A Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture degree is an in-depth program that equips students with the knowledge and skills to practice this ancient healing art. It covers acupuncture techniques, meridian theory, anatomy and physiology, biomedical sciences preparing graduates to provide holistic healthcare and promote wellness through this time-honored practice.

Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher Training

This is accredited by the International Association of Mindfulness Teachers. I trained with Zenways. My teacher Julian Daizan Skinner, who is the first English man to go to Japan and become a Zen Master in the rigorous Rinzai tradition of Zen.